Tuesday, October 9, 2007

More VanCity Stories...

Vancouver is nice, but not today. Rain. Blah. Dim Sum with Martini and friends is proper. Kind of gets the brain on China: I’m going to muthafunkin’ China. Yeah boy…
RGP and I hit the theatre and catch the new Bourne movie. Good stuff, but a little thin on the non-acting scenes. Guess that’s what goes down at the end of a trilogy. I prefer the classic ending, similar to the culmination of The Sopranos series. Leave a man thinking…
It is long weekend Saturday, not much going on. Hit Cactus Club for a quick bite. Canucks game is tied at three. The whole spot appears to be gathered around a few screens. Five seconds left and the home team scores. The place goes off. Vancouver loves its teams. In one twenty-four hour period I hear more people mention both the Canucks and Lions than a year of NHL and CFL back home. Toronto is blessed with the Raptors and now that we have the FC it’s a wrap. I finish my meal and call it a night.
Wake up mad early Sunday am. Excited NFL action gets underway at 10am on the left coast. Fuck. What channel is this shit on? I can’t find it. What a moron. Decide to prepare for work in the afternoon. Let’s charge up this iPod here and get ready for these interviews. FUCK! Shit is on the fritz, again. Why does a man seem to experience equipment issues on the road? I lost a day in Vegas at Magic on this back in late August. Lucky RGP is here. He probably has like six Pods with him, so it won’t be an issue. Taxi to De Dutch for breakfast; nothing special other than a little rise out of RGP when this kid keeps touching his utensils. What’s up with that?
Back in the Opus, Kush out and book a flight to Chicago for a wedding next month. Rebecca picks me up in her truck and we’re off to the Commodore for photos, interviews and a movie screening. I don’t know shit about skateboarding. Happy Ace Six finally sent his questions in to save the day. Lance Mountain is a legend and at forty-one years of age the elder statesmen of the SB Team despite only signing up a few months back. Todd Jordan appears to have ingested copious amounts of chemicals in his time. Omar Salazar skates hard.
Sugar Jane is in the house. Long time, she’s on her work grind, we barely talk. Photos go well and Rebecca is out. Eat two turkey and cranberry sandwiches and that’s as close as it gets to Thanksgiving. Knock out the interviews, watch the movie, and head out with Martini and Justin.
Finally get the game in the room, late game that is. Nap. Head to Modern for the Eh Team - one of the guys from Team Canada, DJ Pump from Calgary, and a VanCity local (name escapes me) playing together all at once. Martini rolls in with a mocha latte from No. 5. Justin is all smiles. Geoff is getting crunk. Nike SB in the house playing cat and mouse. Bar closes at 2pm, then it's lights on ten minutes later. A big 'Get the fuck out. We're not making any more loot and we're not baby-sitting your ass'. What's up with that? The party gathers in the street and spreads all over the place...

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