Friday, October 12, 2007

Welcome To Hong Kong

Monday we head to the airport and prepare for the long haul to Hong Kong. This will clock in as the third longest flight in my time at 13.5 hours, following Jo-Burgh and Melbourne. Speculated upgrade is a no go. Seated in an aisle seat, so it’s not that bad. RGP manages to switch up front of the Coach section to a window. I get blessed with a switch to aisle bulkhead with legroom for days to accommodate a husband and wife team. Despite my restless nature the flight goes well and time seems to pass quick. Snacks, two drinks, a couple of naps, iPod, a little reading, and we’re in HK (not be confused with Hot Karl J).
Due to the time change, twelve hours ahead of the T Dizzle, it is now Tuesday pm. Quick check-in to the Renaissance Harbour View in the Wan Chai district and we hit the streets. Grab a couple of Guinness at a pub, Neptune I, sit and chill. People are real friendly. A stunning woman from Cambodia sits beside us and initiates a conversation. Her Thai friend appears from out of nowhere. Nice girls. Less than ten minutes in, the Cambodian woman states her friend is interested in getting married to me. I even hear the phrase ‘long time’ somewhere in there. And like we all know, no one says a better ‘long time’ than a Thai or Cambodian woman. Wow. I am speechless. Should I fly her home and put her in the kitchen. I really enjoy Thai food, and it will probably be easy to get her a job under the table at one of the three Thai spots on my block. She writes down her name and number and it is possibly the greatest name of all time, “Nike”. Happy days are here again. Head back to the hotel and sleep comes real easy…
Wake up past noon and hit an official Chinese restaurant for a major spread of Duck, Dim Sum, Seafood, Rice, Soup, and washed it all down with Chinese tea and Coke Light. Enter Gio. Fresh off a flight overseas from Chicago, he is a little tired, but ready to roll nonetheless. We hit the new iSkin office in Chai Wan, not to be confused with Wan Chai. Then head over to Gio’s new living quarters in another section of the building. Shit is live. Real deal Japanese motif, including dope Tearoom with mini chairs. We head to the Central district, buy Cigars and enjoy them in the Havana CafĂ© during Happy Hour.
It’s back to the Hotel like N2Deep. A ninety-minute nap, and we head out for an evening walk in our Hotel district. A quick bite at Heat and it’s time to get licked. We end up in Neptune II. Shit is LIVE. The band is classic. A G’N R cover fills the floor. When they break into Linkin Park, it’s a wrap. Look at that girl with the black dress and pink frills. We move about and post up. A crew of Filipino felines approaches. Chatty Cathy picks up on me, later with her, but not before leading her on for over two hours. RGP gets live and sets us up in the VI section with bottle service. Five felines follow and jockey for position. I decide to invite females from different crews to liven up the atmosphere. Could there be a catfight? I hope so. Chatty Cathy is beginning to annoy a man, but she’s fine. 6am rolls around and we’re a little loose but not juiced. Gio becomes ignorant with the women, disses his girl, but she’s back for more and they’re out. Word is she takes a dump and he ends up dismissing her. Meanwhile back at the club it is time to head home for a good sleep. I don’t know what happened, but we woke up past 6pm and the room looked like a typhoon hit it. I feel sorry for the maid…

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